Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Playoff Hunt

As the playoffs draw near for the NBA, only two teams have to compete for one spot (Yes I am saying that Houston, and Golden State are in). These two are the Los Angeles Lakers are Utah Jazz. If I told you that these two teams were the teams vying for a spot in the playoffs, in October, you'd call me crazy, and say that the Lakers are stacked, and then give me the whole spiel about how The Lakers have Nash, Kobe, Pau, and Howard. But, sometimes, too many good things is bad, especially in the NBA. The thing about the NBA is that you can have two players, and still win it all. Look at the 2010 Lakers for instance, or the 2009 Magic that were right there in the Finals. But the thing is, The Lakers have four, not even including World Peace or Jamison who can hold their own, players who are within the Top 40 in The NBA Today. Meanwhile, as predicted, The Jazz have struggled to hold onto their spot in the playoffs, but have won their last two, putting them a half game up on The Lake Show. It's a two way hunt for the eight seed, who wants it more?

Stay tuned for more on the Lakers playoff hunt

Photo Reference: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1501917-utah-jazz-vs-la-lakers-postgame-grades-and-analysis-for-la

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