Monday, March 4, 2013

Confederations Cup Italy

It is still a means away, but its never to early to start talking World Cup Soccer. For those people who don't know, the year prior to the World Cup holds a " practice run" for the worlds greatest sporting spectacle. The event features the winner of each continent, the host country, and the defending World Cup champion. This years event will feature Spain, Italy, Nigeria, Tahiti, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, and Uruguay. The favorites going in are once again going to be Spain, but there are some challenges starting with fellow UEFA foe Italy.

The streets of Italy aren't like anything that you've ever seen. Rather than looming skyscrapers, and highways, they are small, villages. There are shore lines, houses built on cliffs, it is a beautiful place. It is a country filled with rich pageantry and tradition, and doesn't lack history. It is also perhaps the most fascinating country on the planet. With land forms ranging from fields to hills, luscious green forest to rocky shore lines, Italy has it all when it comes to nature. But what bonds a small country, just a little north of 60 million people, is there love of a common game. That game is soccer. And what the Italians have going for them in this years Cup, and World Cup both, is that they have a variety. As the Italians look ahead to the World Cup, and its predecessor, they will hand over the reign from Pirlo to Balotelli. The question now, is can the twenty two year old lead this team to victory?


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